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Open-source clean meat

Regenerative medicine 

to space farming

Twitter | General Info

"Open Source Cell-Ag"

#We are slightly behind on translating our material to English. Please refer to this Google translation of our Japanese page for latest information for the time being.


Shojinmeat Project is an citizen science project for developing open source clean meat.

In coordination with other NPO's, we communicate with the public to establish cellular agriculture as a discipline.

Join the movement here! (English slack channel)


​1/30 "First Cellular Agriculture Conference in Japan" was announced.

11/4 #DIYbio member installs a clean bench at home.

10/2 We have released a Clean foie gras demonstration video.

9/3 We were at 3rd Int'l Conf. for cultured meat at Maastricht.

8/21 Home cell culture experiment by a high school member was televised by NHK.


02/11 We are speaking at Global Food Safety Conference on 3/7 in Tokyo.

02/08 #GlobalCollab English language slack channel is open.

11/30 Business prospects for Integriculture Inc. was featured in Navigator Asia.

10/11 We spoke at New Harvest 2017 in NYC - slides.

07/24 The pitch deck of Integriculture Inc.)was updated.​


1/28 #creative cluster showcases a clean meat short manga "I deal with ideal meal" by Yamadaθ

12/31 Clean meat 'zine including DIY recipe was release at C93. It is also available at ComicZIN.

10/11 #art cluster finds a new base at FabCafe Tokyo. Educational public cell culture sessions are in the pipeline.

03/20 #EthicalStudies cluster has organized a Lecture session in Kyoto University​

Get involved

Shojinmeat Project is a "hobbyist club" and there is no formal membership process. If you want to get involved, please find us on our contact pagefacebook group or twitter.

"DIY clean meat at home" recipe written by high school students is assembled on a DIY clean meat recipe as a "prototype".

If you are interested in business, careers and opportunities in cellular agriculture in Asia, please contact "Integriculture Inc."

News and introduction of Shojinmeat clusters    >>General Info<<

#DIY bio (home)

Protocols and equipment for average citizens to "grow meat at home using materials available from common sources (i.e. supermarket)" is developed in this cluster.

Videos and blogs (in Japanese)





CONTACT HERE  Main base : Tokyo area, Osaka area

#DIY bio (biospace)

We organize open-for public ​cell culture sessions in collaboration with FabCafe Tokyo / Open Bio Club.

CONTACT HERE       Main base: Tokyo


Speculative designs and bioart projects are produced in  #art cluster. We also collaborate with other artists.

(blogs and slides (in Japanese)



CONTACT HERE    Main base : Tokyo area

#Social communication


Societal and cultural acceptance of cellular agriculture and use of biotechnology in food in general are discussed.

Fanzine (in Japanese) : General Intro book DIY clean meat recipe

​Recent appearance :  New Harvest 2017 in NYC (slides)

CONTACT HERE    Main base : Tokyo area

#Ethical studies


Ethical discussions of cellular agriculture are conducted in cooperation with Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics, Kyoto University.

blog and conference record (in Japanese)


京大文学部CAPE, 人と動物の倫理研究会第4回研究会

CONTACT HERE   Main base : Kyoto area

#Global collaboration

Japan contact point of Cellular Agriculture Society.

The cluster collaborates with cellular agriculture organizations overseas to coordinate efforts.


English slack channel

Presented at 3rd Intl' Conf. of Cultured Meat, Maastricht

New Harvest 2017 in NYC - slides.

​CONTACT HERE   Main base : Tokyo area

#Culinary / Groumet

Studies what makes "tasty meat"

CONTACT HERE       Main base: Kyushu


Cellular agriculture and clean meat themed creative works (novel, manga, illustrations etc) are produced.
​VR Mars meat culture plant "Nirvana-Alpha"

​CONTACT HERE   Main base : Tokyo area

"Integriculture Inc."

While Shojinmeat Project focuses on education and DIY cellular agriculture, Integriculture Inc. focuses scaling and  commercialization of clean meat.

Please contact here for technical collaboration, careers and investment opportunities. 

                                         Company based at Tokyo

"Countryside, 2203 A.D."                 Image by SCIGRA

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